Saturday, April 21, 2007

Harrington on hold'em V 1

A review by Ashley Adams

This and other books in Harrington's series aren't well written, they aren't well put together. I'm a fan of concise, to the point work. Harrington doesn't even attempt that quality.

I've seen Harrington's books called a Bible For Tournament Players, but no matter what your personal religion is, I think a new player is better off with a solid work on concepts of no-limit poker than a rambling work on no limit poker tournaments. The Ciaffone and Rueben works fills that requirement. The Harrington books do not.

For example, Harrington doesn't get around to pot odds until 1/3 of the way into Vol I and then he doesn't get it right with respect to tournaments. He's got a whole chapter on pot odds as they related to the number of chips, never bothering to mention the little glitch about tournament chips having a value mismatch.

Earlier in the book he talks about "playing style" without even discussing how "style" is effected by the relationships between antes/blinds/stack sizes.

It's no where near a solid book and it's overwritten.

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